General Instructions to Follow to Facilitate Healing

1. Follow the schedule of appointments that we have set up for you. There is no substitute for carefully timed chiropractic adjustments.

2. Avoid physical and mental stress before and after each adjustment. The more relaxed you are, the more benefit you will receive.

3. Follow faithfully all "home measures" prescribed for your condition. These may include such therapies as hot or cold applications, daily exercises, rest periods, or a special diet.

4. You spend approximately one third of your life in bed; it is highly important that you sleep on a good, firm mattress.

5. Crucial to your recovery is sleeping on a pillow that properly supports your neck. Have Dr. Fitzpatrick check your pillow for proper alignment while sleeping.

6. Do not read in bed.

7. Sleep on your back or side, never on your stomach.

8. Choose a firm chair, not a soft, over-stuffed one. Sit straight and don't cross your legs except at the ankles.

9. Learn how to lift. Bend your knees and keep your back straight.

10. If any body motion causes sharp pain, avoid it!

11. Please don't try to be your own doctor! Self-administered remedies may do more harm than good.

12. Do your best to maintain a cheerful attitude. Avoid, if you can, stressful situations.

13. Set aside at least one time each day for complete mental and physical relaxation. This is a good lifetime habit for the restoration and maintenance of normal health.

14. Don't be in a hurry, adaptively shortened ligaments and muscles take time to change.

15. We would appreciate 24 hours notice if your appointment must be changed or canceled so that someone else may be scheduled into your time.

16. Please feel free to ask any questions that you may have about your healthcare.

17. If you feel better - tell us. It is important that your doctor be aware of improvement.

18. Chiropractic may be the answer to friends' or loved ones' health problems. Take the time to explain this natural healthcare method to them and encourage them to visit a chiropractor.


Following an adjustment, use care in moving your head, avoid sudden movements . Keep your chin level for 24 to 48 hours, minimize rotating your neck while putting earrings in/on.

Do Not Hang Your Purse From Your Shoulder - carry it with your hand.

Do not lean over the desk in an awkward position while writing your check or making your next appointment.

Avoid looking up as in reaching above your head; raise your eyes rather than your head.

When lying down do not use your head to lift or turn your body to another position.

Do not sleep on your stomach.

Have your spine checked after any trauma, especially after an automobile accident. Your injuries or lack of injuries must be documented ASAP.

Do not "pop" neck or pull on head.

Do not sleep while sitting in chairs or in automobiles.

Sit upright in chairs; do not sit on the lower back (sacrum).

Do no sit in chairs that place pressure against the back of your head, forcing it forward.

Minimize fatigue, get sufficient rest.

Minimize emotional upsets.

Use It Or Lose It:

1. Use your muscles! After 48 hours they start to lose their elasticity and strength.

2. Use water to cleanse your body; get in the habit of drinking 6 to 8 glasses per day.

3. Interrupt sedentary postures and activities with stretching.

4. Increase and maintain muscle flexiblility, strength and tone.

5. Increase physical activity with regular aerobic exercise.

6. Keep body weight down and improve nutritional habits.

7. Avoid prolonged postures and awkward positions (especially flexion postures).

8. Learn about proper body alignment, body mechanics and practice them.

9. Listen to your body and respect pain.

10. Learn relaxation and other techniques to decrease anxiety and stress.

Wellness Tips

These simple movements or daily routines can end up hurting you if you're not careful. Make sure to do these simple activities the right way as outlined below:


Posture. Posture. Posture. Make sure that you keep your chin up and don't slouch. If you know that you are going to be standing for a long period of time, make sure that you wear comfortable shoes.

Working at a Desk

Make sure that you are getting up every 20 minutes to stretch. The type of chair you have is extremely important. It should fit you correctly so that your back touches the chair and your feet are on the floor with knees at a 90 degree angle. Try to avoid looking down at your computer screen. It should be at eye level.


Make sure you have a chair that is supportive. When you are forced to sit for a long period of time, for instance at a desk job, make sure to get up and stretch every 20 minutes. Sit with your back against the chair, feet firmly on the floor. Do not cross your legs.


Lifting objects is one of the most common ways to injure yourself. Even if it is a light object, twisting or pulling in the wrong direction when you're not stretched out can have a damaging effect on muscles and the spine. You always want to bend at the knees and avoid lifting anything you know is too heavy.

Overall Physical Activity

If you know that you are going to be working or playing for a while, make sure that you are adequately stretched out and warmed up. Even if it's something light like gardening or just pushing your child on a bike, it's easy to pull something if you're not warmed up.

Talking On The Telephone

If you're forced to use the telephone for a long period of time, a speaker or a headset is a must. By all means try to avoid cradling the phone between your neck and your shoulder as this could cause you to damage the muscles or vertebrae in that area.

Resting or Sleeping

Straining your neck or back while you're sleeping is a very common occurrence. We often fall asleep in strange positions where we are not supported properly or our necks are at an odd angle. Make sure that if you are going to nap or watch tv in bed, that you are in a supportive position.

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