
After my son’s well check with his doctor, she noticed that his legs were not the same length. Dr. Allen recommended that we seek out a pediatric chiropractor. We were led to Dr. Fitzpatrick though some friends. The Atlas orthogonal method that Dr. Fitzpatrick used was so gentle on my son, that he could hardly feel the adjustment! Immediately my son’s legs were the same length again. He only needed to adjust my son two times and then we were finished. I am so glad that this was caught early and was healed to quickly without any pain.


I have been suffering with severe headaches, migraine type, for months prior to coming to Dr. Fitzpatrick. I tried massaging and pain medications, but nothing was helping. The Atlas orthogonal method and the cranial sacral therapy that Dr. Fitzpatrick specializes in, proved to be the missing links. I am now pain-free, headache free, my neck vertebrae are aligned and my whole body feels wonderful.



I have been suffering with chronic headaches for almost 10 years.  Prior to coming to Dr. Fitzpatrick I tried traditional chiropractic, massage therapy and physical therapy, but nothing helped.  My neurologist referred me to Dr. Fitzpatrick for Atlas Orthogonal chiropractic adjustments.  This precise painless approach was the ticket for my neck pain and severe headaches a very pleasant solution that allowed me to discontinue daily use of over the counter pain relievers.  My daily life has become normal with only an occasional visit to Dr. Fitzpatrick for a "tune up."

Thank You!




I have suffered from sick migraines for 40 years. They would hit about every 10-14 days and last for 48-72 hours. I have spent 1000's of dollars on OTC medications and traditional chiropractic care and nothing helped. How many hours I lost at work I can't count. Oh the pain I put my family through when I had a headache. Have you ever had such a headache that you wanted to hit your head against a brick wall because it actually felt better!? At the urging of my family I agreed to see a Neurologist who recommended Dr. Fitzpatrick, an Orthogonal Chiropractor (and vitamins). I had been visiting a "traditional" chiropractor for years that had never mentioned the Atlas bone and how it plays a critical role in all-over body health. He only worked the c-vertebrae by twisting and cracking those. Needless to say it was only a temporary fix if that. Dr. Fitzpatrick's x-ray revealed that my Atlas bone and cervical spine were seriously out of alignment. This misalignment was piching the occipital nerves which caused the excuciating pain. Dr. Fitzpatrick used sound waves to adjust my Atlas bone and barely perceptible pressure on my c-vertebrae. NO twisting or cracking! Within that one adjustment I felt instant relief! I do regular neck strengthening exercises to keep things where they are supposed to be. A few follow up visits for some minor adjustments and to ensure that everything is 'holding steady' and I'm a new person. It has absolutely changed my life for the better. Sounds corny but it's true. My sleep patterns changed - I actually get to sleep and get the rest I was lacking. I'm not grumpy or angry any more, I can laugh and play with my son instead of hiding out in a dark room crying. I can go out dancing with my husband again and not have to go home early because I have a headache. My first adjustment was Oct. 11, 2011 and I'm going on 4 months migraine free!!


SUBJECTIVE: The patient was previously seen on November 30, 2010. The patient was diagnosed with significant musculosketal and TMJ-related headache.

The patient started seeing Dr. Fitzpatrick for Atlas Orthogonal adjustments for her neck and found it helps a lot. She has been going to see Dr. Fitzpatrick currently every other week or so. Started exercising to stretch the neck and shoulder muscles.

Her range of motion is better. The neck may feel tight but not nearly as bad as previously and not as frequent. She does not really need to take much muscle relaxant, as she feels better in general. The patient has only needed maybe 1 Relpax in the last month. Prior to the Atlas Orthogonal adjustments, she needed at least 6 tablets for several 3-day migraine episodes a month.

The patient has not had a migraine since the last adjustment about 2 weeks ago, which has not happened before. She has not been able to go for those long stretches without the migraine.

I suffered with tendosinovitis (aka tendonitis) in my right arm for over 15 years. This condition can be very painful and disruptive to one's life (and many times, misdiagnosed as carpel tunnel syndrome). I went to a countless number of doctors, specialists, acupuncturists, chiropractors and hand surgeons. No one could help me, but recommended prescription strenght pain medication. One day I received a referral from my mother's chiropractor about Dr. Fitzpatrick and that I should give him a try based on his specific Atlas Orthogonal approach. What I like about Dr. Fitzpatrick is that he tries to find out what the underlying cause is so that he can resolve the symptoms one is having. After a few weeks, Dr. Fitzpatrick was able to narrow down the problem to my neck and jaw. I have been PAIN FREE for over 2 years now. The M.D. who was handling my care was astonished that Dr. Fitzpatrick had fixed my arm by correcting the neck and jaw.

My husband, son and I have flat feet, triggering knee, feet and hip discomfort. Dr. Fitzpatrick suggested we try orthotics to properly align our bodies when we walk and exercise. And now we can't wear shoes without them! These custom made orthotics have straightened out the way we walk, thereby giving us less foot fatigue and less pain in our body towards the end of the day.
- Renee, Erick, Alec and Austin

When I tried to get back into running a few years ago to get in shape at age 47, I thought it was a lost cause. I experienced back pain consistently whether I ran on pavement, a treadmill or grass. My knees were also frequently in pain. Even though my back was aligned well, I still couldn't run or even walk any distance without pain. Dr. Fitzpatrick suggested that I try orthotics, which I considered to be a last resort, thinking of the giant orthopedic shoes my grandma wore. But after the custom fitting and shaping of the insoles, I saw that they were light and slipped easily into my regular shoes. When I first stood up on the inserts, they felt a little funny, but I had nothing to lose, so I tried them for a long walk. After a few strides, my shoes felt new again. The comfort was incredible, but I wondered what I would feel like after an hour or so, Actually, although the contour of the insole took some getting used to, I was surprised that my first time wearing them I felt no post-exercise pain whatsoever--not that evening, not the next morning. Soon, I decided to try running. The same thing happened: no pain. As Dr. Fitzpatrick recommended, I used the orthotics in all of my shoes (except Birkenstocks), and I have noticed more even shoe wear and greater endurance on my feet in general. As for running, I gradually increased my distance and now run 5K three times a week. I was ready to give up on my favorite exercise but the orthotic insoles have freed me from the limitations I felt. The orthotics are long lasting and have been just as effective over two years as they were that first time. I can run as far and as fast as I could twenty years ago, and I couldn't be happier with the performance of the inserts or with Dr. Fitzpatrick's advice and care.

Thank you so much for everything you have done for our daughter. Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic has proved to be very successful in helping her overcome her fine and gross motor skill difficulties. She has been in occupational therapy and had great difficulty holding a pencil, forming letters and using scissors. Her therapist said it would be another three years of therapy to be at level with her peers. In less than two months of Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic with you, her therapist said that our daughter's motor skills improved so much that she no longer needed occupational therapy.
- M.F.

When I first visited your office I could hardly stand the pain I was in. On an average day on a scale of 1-10, my pain was never below an 8 or 9. I was taking three different pain medications and walking with a cane. Now, after receiving your help, my average daily pain level is less than 3 which is a very acceptable level. It is very rare for me to need any pain medication. I also want to tell you how helpful your staff has been to me. The professional attitude and willingness to help with scheduling and just accommodating my needs has been second to none. I am very grateful for your efforts.
- P.L.

I appreciate the help you gave me over the past year. I have no pain - I am so grateful. Thank you for your deligence in finding a solution in treating my painful hip.

My 8 year old son developed tics. His pediatrician recommended medication if they interferred with his daily life. After his first adjustment with Dr. Fitzpatrick we saw a difference. The adjustment "held" and our son hasn't needed an adjustment in over 3 months. If you ask our son, he'd say he doesn't have tics anymore. If I look closely I can still see some movement, but it's so subtle that most people wouldnt be aware of it. Thank you Dr. Fitzpatrick!
- A.S.

My 4 month old granddaughter was extremely fussy with colic. Dr. Fitzpatrick made a light adjustment with his Activator. She was adjusted 5 times within a 2 week period. The colic was so much better that within a month it was gone completely. Thank you so much, Dr. Fitzpatrick.
- L.S.

My experience with migraines comes from a family history of suffering with them. I would have to go to my dark bedroom and lay down for a day or so. After seeing Dr. Fitzpatrick for almost 3 years, I've only had 3 migraines. If I feel a bit fuzzy or forgetful, Dr. Fitzpatrick checks my Atlas and it is usually out of alignment, saving me days of recouperation. Thank you Dr. Fitzpatrick, you have made my life so much better.
- L.P.

Since coming to Dr. Fitzpatrick my cluster migraines are gone. When my neck goes out of alignment, which is not very frequent, a single Atlas Orthogonal adjustment takes care of it. In the past when my headaches would start I would have to be adjusted several times per day for several days. The gentle specific approach of Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic has really worked for me. Thank you Dr. Fitzpatrick.

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